Defesa Civil: Responsabilidade pelas Ações

Publicado em 21/08/2014

disaster areas, caused by a river under the domains of the union, which are not under emergency or public calamity. Rivers under federal domain cause floods in every regions of the country. In the plains, the floods are cyclic and seasonal, as in the Amazon River Basin. During floods, the water rises slowly and predictably keeping it up for  some time and then gradually draining leaving environmental, material, and human losses alongside social and economic damages to the affected population. This research was made through a case study in Manaquiri, information obtained in publications about this theme, and legislation about the National Civil Defense System and the National Hydro Resource System, especially Union and State financial resource transfers to the city through agreement for the reduction of the disaster burden. It revealed that for any disaster happening in the Brazilian territory, the response actions, rebuilding, and recuperation of disaster areas are the responsibility of the Mayor or the Federal Government despite of the domain of the cause of the disaster. It is up to the government, either State or Federal one, complementary actions. Therefore, it is essential that the current legislation be revised so that the responsibility for the civil defense actions is reversed to the federal government when the disaster is caused by a federal property even if it does not characterize emergency or public calamity.




Key-words: civil defense – responsibility – actions






Figura 1 – Estrutura do SINDEC .................................................................................. 24

Figura 2 – Casa com marca de inundação ................................................................ 78

Figura 2 – Casa destruída…

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