Aptidão Física dos Vaqueiros Profissionais

Publicado em 17/05/2006


The objective of this study was to identify the profile physical aptitude of professional herdsmen's from the State in the Rio Grande do Norte. For so much, they were appraised 20 professional herdsmen of the masculine gender, classified among to 1st and 20th positions of the vaquejadas happened in RN in 2005, with average of age of 28,2 years (± 8,02). They were selected for collection of variable data associated to the physical aptitude related to the health: measures antropométricas, metabolic and test of force of the superior members, the calculation for the software " Sapaf Adulto". The measures antropométricas were weight, stature, three cutaneous folds (triciptal, suprailíaca and abdominal) and relationship waist hip for Guedes' protocol (1994); the metabolic ones certain through the maximum consumption of relative oxygen and the test of force of the superior members, manual dinamometria. The used statistical analysis was the correlation of the test bicaudal of Pearson(r) among the data of the variables, being the level of adopted significant at the p <0,05 level the p <0,01 level. The results evidenced that the individuals of the group, with relationship to the physical aptitude, present values ideals in general, excellent and above the average for antropometria, maximum consumption of oxygen and it forces of the superior members. We could conclude that the vaquejada practice demands high values for VO2max and potency of superior members and ideal values for corporal composition,. The correlation values varied from bass to the moderate ones, what could be indicating, that another varied (level of motive ability and it would set up) besides the level of physical aptitude they…

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