As Competências do Administrador na Gestão da Mudança Organizacional. Os Impactos das Mudanças no Comportamento das Pessoas nas Organizações ? Indústrias, Serviços e Terceiro Setor.

Publicado em 19/04/2007

One mainly focuses the changes in the human behavior in relation the fusing, acquisitions, partnerships, joint-ventures and patrimonial changes of the organizations, a time that the main factor of this is the human being.

“The essence of the administration is the human being. Its objective is to become the capable people it performance in set, to become its efficient forces and its irrelevant weaknesses, this is the organization, and the administration is the determinative factor.”
Peter Druker.

The objective is to search the influence exerted for the merger and acquisitions on the change in the behavior of the administrators of the sectors of the industria, services and third sector from studies of cases as “the process of the Brahma and Antarctica”, “GM and of the Fiat”, among others.

Also demonstrating the positive and negative factors of these processes. Thus, the great focus of the work is to evaluate which the effective contribution of the process of fusing, acquisitions, partnerships, joint-ventures and patrimonial changes in the human behavior of the people in the involved organizations in the process.

We can also emphasize the great contribution in the study of the historical process of the administration, and importance of the classic and cientificas theories, the administration in the theory and the practical one according to Peter Drucker, the fields of performance of the administrator, the abilities and the profile of the current administrator, the evolution of the administrator and the search for the professional who…

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